Flat Deals

Here you can read on Flat Deals and Direct Deals Buffet at Traforama

Updated over a week ago


What is a Flat Deal?

Flat Deal is a feature that allows you to buy traffic from your favorite sources.

When you make a Flat deal, your ads are prioritized over the other ads that a publisher runs in their spots. This means that while a deal is active, all the traffic with the set targeting will be yours.

There are two types of payment available for a Flat deal:

  • Fixed CPM - which involves sending the agreed-upon traffic volume to you for an agreed-upon amount of money per thousand impressions (CPM) with daily limits

Example: There's a Banner deal on test.com with 50k impressions and a Fixed CPM $0.04 for Japan. If there are 52k impressions for Japan on this website today, you will have the first 50k, the rest of them will be sold at an auction. If tomorrow this website has only 47k impressions, then you will pay only for the 47k of them.

  • Fixed Daily Fee - which involves sending all publisher traffic with the agreed-upon targeting to you for an agreed-upon daily fee.

Example: The Fixed Daily Fee is $10, the Period is 12 days. It means that you will pay $10 every day to get all the traffic with your targeting. All 100% of this website’s traffic will be sent to your offer! The total amount you will spend will be $120. There are no daily impression limits.

Direct Deals Buffet

To see all the available Flat deals you need to go to Marketplace > Direct Deals Buffet

You may filter the offers to find the ones that suit you most. You can filter it by:

  • Title - you may enter the publisher’s name

  • Ad type - Popunder, Interstitial, Banner, In-video, Slider, In-page push

  • Size - for Banners

  • Stream - All Streams, Adult-all, Mainstream (non-adult), Adult-gay, Adult-toons, Adult-trans

  • Website - you may enter the website of a publisher you’re interested in

  • Spots - corner placement IDs

  • Country - you may the countries you’re interested in

  • Device - Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, Console, TV, Wearable

  • Deal Type - CPM Rate or Daily Fee

  • Aggressiveness - Aggressive or Google-friendly. Please note that if a Flat deal is marked as Google-friendly, it will not support Aggressive ads.

  • Period - the period of time you wish to have a Flat Deal run

If you wish to make a Flat deal with a publisher that has not added their offer yet, you can create a Flat deal offer by yourself or contact our team via live chat, Telegram or support@traforama.com and we will help you to arrange a deal.

Flat Deal Offers

Once you have applied the filters, you will see the Flat deal offers that match your criteria. For your convenience, each one has several labels with important information about the offer:

  • CPM rate

  • Period

  • Name

  • Website

  • Ad type

  • Size (for Banners)

  • Stream

  • Country

  • Device

  • Agressiveness

Please note that if a Flat deal is marked as Google-friendly, it will not support Aggressive ads.

When you mouse over the offer, you will see two buttons:

  • Buy - for making a Flat deal

  • Details - for checking the detailed information on a Flat deal


This button will redirect you to the detailed information on a Flat deal offer. You can visit it to check the information, but nothing can be edited here.

  • Stream

  • Ad type

  • Spots filter

  • Size

  • Target countries

  • Device

  • Period

  • Type of payment (Fixed CPM or Daily fixed rate)

  • Daily limit

  • Total deal price

  • Aggressiveness


By clicking this button, you agree to a Flat deal offer and you will be redirected to the page where you can add the details of your creative for this integration.

You will need to add the ad parameters depending on the format.

In case the ad type is a Banner, you will need to indicate:

  • Name

  • Click URL

  • Image or Code

In case the ad type is a Popunder or an Interstitial, you will need to indicate:

  • Name

  • Click URL or Code

In case the ad type is an In-page push, you will need to indicate:

  • Name

  • Click URL

  • Image

  • Description or Code

In case the ad type is In-Video or Slider, you will need to indicate:

  • Name

  • Video Source (Video file, Video URL, VAST tag)

  • Upload Video file + Click URL / Add Video URL + Click URL / VAST tag

  • Skip offset

The rest of the page represents the details of a Flat deal which is given for informational purposes and cannot be changed.

Make sure to check the summary on your Flat Deal at the bottom of the page.

In case you have chosen an offer with a Fixed CPM, the summary will contain the following information:

  1. Period - the timeframe of your Flat Deal

  2. Fixed CPM - fixed CPM that you will have for your Flat Deal

  3. Daily limit - the limit of impressions per day. In case there is no daily limit for this offer this field will be filled as Unlimited

  4. Total Deal Price - the approximate amount of funds you will spend on the whole deal for the whole period.

  5. Aggressiveness - in case the publisher supports Aggressive ads

In case you have chosen an offer with a Flat Daily Rate, the summary will contain the following information:

  1. Period - the timeframe of your Flat Deal

  2. Daily Rate - fixed amount that you pay per day for the whole traffic

  3. Daily limit - always remains Unlimited for Flat Daily Rate

  4. Total Deal Price - the approximate amount of funds you will spend on the whole deal for the whole period.

  5. Aggressiveness - in case the publisher supports Aggressive ads

Make sure that your current balance is equal to or higher than the Total Deal Price, otherwise, it will be declined.


Once you have checked all the information, click Save and send to review.

Our team will check it and get the approval from the publisher within 1 business day. You may check the status in Campaigns.

You may find more details on the payment terms of a Flat deal policy in the article Flat Deal Terms.

Please do not hesitate to contact our support team via Live chat or email support@traforama.com

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