Device targeting

This article will help you make the most accuruate targeting according to device, connection, browser and platform.

Updated over a week ago

Device targeting helps you choose certain devices where your ads will be rotating. This option is used for providing more personalized and unique ads to customers.

At Traforama we have created several options for device targeting:

  • "Device" - this setting allows you to target different devices.

Feel free to choose all types of devices that you need in the "Devices" dropdown.

We have the following options for you to choose: desktop, mobile, tablet, console, TV, and wearable (smart devices).

  • "Connection types" - these are the internet/wifi connection types. Here you can choose Dialup, Cable, Corporate, Cellular, or any other connection type.

  • "Platform" - it is an excellent addition to the previous configuration.

Using the platforms, you can decide what OS types and versions you want to advertise for.

  • The "Any version" value is responsible for the name of the OS, while the "Specific version" allows you to choose the exact OS version.

Navigate through these variants to use what you need.

  • "Browsers"- absolutely identical point as the "Platforms".

But in this case, you're targeting by type and version of a browser instead of OS.

Other targeting options:


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