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Country code dictionary (API)
Country code dictionary (API)

Country code dictionary (API)

Updated over a week ago

248 - Rwanda

249 - Somalia

250 - Yemen

251 - Iraq

252 - Saudi Arabia

253 - Iran

254 - Cyprus

255 - Tanzania

256 - Syria

257 - Armenia

258 - Kenya

259 - Congo

260 - Djibouti

261 - Uganda

262 - Central African Republic

263 - Seychelles

264 - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

265 - Lebanon

266 - Kuwait

267 - Oman

268 - Qatar

269 - Bahrain

270 - United Arab Emirates

271 - Israel

272 - Turkey

273 - Ethiopia

274 - Eritrea

275 - Egypt

276 - Sudan

277 - Greece

278 - Burundi

279 - Estonia

280 - Latvia

281 - Azerbaijan

282 - Lithuania

283 - Svalbard and Jan Mayen

284 - Georgia

285 - Republic of Moldova

286 - Belarus

287 - Finland

288 - Aland

289 - Ukraine

290 - Macedonia

291 - Hungary

292 - Bulgaria

293 - Albania

294 - Poland

295 - Romania

296 - Kosovo

297 - Zimbabwe

298 - Zambia

299 - Comoros

300 - Malawi

301 - Lesotho

302 - Botswana

303 - Mauritius

304 - Swaziland

305 - Reunion

306 - South Africa

307 - Mayotte

308 - Mozambique

309 - Madagascar

310 - Afghanistan

311 - Pakistan

312 - Bangladesh

313 - Turkmenistan

314 - Tajikistan

315 - Sri Lanka

316 - Bhutan

317 - India

318 - Maldives

319 - British Indian Ocean Territory

320 - Nepal

321 - Myanmar [Burma]

322 - Uzbekistan

323 - Kazakhstan

324 - Kyrgyzstan

325 - French Southern Territories

326 - Cocos [Keeling] Islands

327 - Palau

328 - Vietnam

329 - Thailand

330 - Indonesia

331 - Laos

332 - Taiwan

333 - Philippines

334 - Malaysia

335 - China

336 - Hong Kong

337 - Brunei

338 - Macao

339 - Cambodia

340 - Republic of Korea

341 - Japan

342 - North Korea

343 - Singapore

344 - Cook Islands

345 - East Timor

346 - Russia

347 - Mongolia

348 - Australia

349 - Christmas Island

350 - Marshall Islands

351 - Federated States of Micronesia

352 - Papua New Guinea

353 - Solomon Islands

354 - Tuvalu

355 - Nauru

356 - Vanuatu

357 - New Caledonia

358 - Norfolk Island

359 - New Zealand

360 - Fiji

361 - Libya

362 - Cameroon

363 - Senegal

364 - Republic of the Congo

365 - Portugal

366 - Liberia

367 - Ivory Coast

368 - Ghana

369 - Equatorial Guinea

370 - Nigeria

371 - Burkina Faso

372 - Togo

373 - Guinea-Bissau

374 - Mauritania

375 - Benin

376 - Gabon

377 - Sierra Leone

378 - Sao Tome and Principe

379 - Gibraltar

380 - Gambia

381 - Guinea

382 - Chad

383 - Niger

384 - Mali

385 - Tunisia

386 - Spain

387 - Morocco

388 - Malta

389 - Algeria

390 - Faroe Islands

391 - Denmark

392 - Iceland

393 - United Kingdom

394 - Switzerland

395 - Sweden

396 - Netherlands

397 - Austria

398 - Belgium

399 - Germany

400 - Luxembourg

401 - Ireland

402 - Monaco

403 - France

404 - Andorra

405 - Liechtenstein

406 - Jersey

407 - Isle of Man

408 - Guernsey

409 - Slovak Republic

410 - Czech Republic

411 - Norway

412 - Vatican City

413 - San Marino

414 - Italy

415 - Slovenia

416 - Montenegro

417 - Croatia

418 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

419 - Angola

420 - Namibia

421 - Saint Helena

422 - Barbados

423 - Cape Verde

424 - Guyana

425 - French Guiana

426 - Suriname

427 - Saint Pierre and Miquelon

428 - Greenland

429 - Paraguay

430 - Uruguay

431 - Brazil

432 - Falkland Islands

433 - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

434 - Jamaica

435 - Dominican Republic

436 - Cuba

437 - Martinique

438 - Bahamas

439 - Bermuda

440 - Anguilla

441 - Trinidad and Tobago

442 - Saint Kitts and Nevis

443 - Dominica

444 - Antigua and Barbuda

445 - Saint Lucia

446 - Turks and Caicos Islands

447 - Aruba

448 - British Virgin Islands

449 - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

450 - Montserrat

451 - Saint Martin

452 - Saint-Barthelemy

453 - Guadeloupe

454 - Grenada

455 - Cayman Islands

456 - Belize

457 - El Salvador

458 - Guatemala

459 - Honduras

460 - Nicaragua

461 - Costa Rica

462 - Venezuela

463 - Ecuador

464 - Colombia

465 - Panama

466 - Haiti

467 - Argentina

468 - Chile

469 - Bolivia

470 - Peru

471 - Mexico

472 - French Polynesia

473 - Pitcairn Islands

474 - Kiribati

475 - Tokelau

476 - Tonga

477 - Wallis and Futuna

478 - Samoa

479 - Niue

480 - Northern Mariana Islands

481 - Guam

482 - Puerto Rico

483 - U.S. Virgin Islands

484 - U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

485 - American Samoa

486 - Canada

487 - United States

488 - Palestine

489 - Serbia

490 - Antarctica

491 - Sint Maarten

492 - Curacao

493 - Bonaire

494 - South Sudan

495 - Western Sahara

529 - Heard Island and McDonald Islands

530 - Scotland

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