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Profit Social

How to set up the traffic purchase from Traforama for Profit Social

Updated over a week ago

Please see below the step-by-step instruction on how to set up conversion tracking with Profit Social when you are buying traffic from Traforama:

  1. Take a conversion postback URL on Traforama

  2. Create a campaign on Profit Social platform

  3. Create a campaign and creative on Traforama


Take a conversion postback URL on Traforama

Please go to the section Conversion tracker ( Traforama member zone )

Copy your PERSONAL postback URL

Please make the following macros changes

{{click_tracker}} {data2}
{conversion_cost} {payout}


For example, the original link is{{click_tracker}}?suid=fvcvk131fm&c=1&cpa={conversion_cost} then the final link is{data2}?suid=fvcvk131fm&c=1&cpa={payout}


Create a campaign on Profit Social platform

Please go to the section Postback URLs ( Profit Social member zone ) and add the Conversion Postback URL that we created before


Press save.


Go to the section Your links, choose the offer, and copy the link

{data2} %ID%



Create a campaign and creative on Traforama

Please go to Traforama member zone to the section Campaigns and add a new campaign

Please fill up the campaign name, and choose a stream, ad type, and targeting.
Press Create.

Add a new creative: fill up the name and Profitsocial Link

Please set up Frequency Capping, Filters, CPM rates, and Vertical

Press Create and send to review


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