Metrics description | Banner

Metrics description | Banner

Updated over a week ago


Main Metrics for Banner traffic

Group- is a chosen breakdown, one of the following entities: Country | Creative | Campaign | Browser | Connection Type | IP address | Platform | Proxy Type | Referer Host | Spot | Stream | Website.

Impressions - the number of times your ads were shown.

Clicks - is the number of clicks were made by website visitors.

Cost - is the amount you paid for shown ads.

rCPM - is the amount you paid for 1000 impressions. It's calculated according to the formula Cost/Impressions*1000.

CPC - is the amount you paid for 1 click. It's calculated according to the formula Cost/clicks.

CTR, % - is the click-through rate. It's calculated according to the formula
Clicks/Impressions *100%.

Conv. 1 - the number of conversions_101 you have passed using Pixel or Post URL.

eCPA 1 - is the amount you paid for 1 conversion_101. It's calculated according to the formula Cost/Conv. 1.

CTR 1 - is the click-through rate. It's calculated according to the formula
Conv. 1/Impressions *100%.




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