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Reporting, Statistics, Metrics

Updated over a week ago


There are two tabs on the statistics section:



Ad type - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one of the following ad formats: popunder | in-video | interstitial | banner | in-page push.
Period - is a time value where you can set up start and end date to generate a period for which statistics will appear.

Group - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one of the following breakdowns: Country | Creative | Ad type | Campaign | Browser | Connection Type | Device | Impression type | IP address | Platform | Proxy Type | Domain | Spot | Stream. The breakdown will be the first column of the report.
Conversions - is drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few of conversions: 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | Gross Revenue | Gross CPM | Profit. !ATTENTION! Traforama shows only conversions that were passed by Pixel or Postback URL.
Campaign - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few of your ad campaigns.
Creative - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few of your ad creatives.
Stream - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few of the following steams: Adult-all | Adult-gay | Adult-cartoon | Adult-trans | Mainstream ( non-adult).
Country - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few countries (GEO).
Browser - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few of the following browsers: Safari | Opera | Chrome | Internet Explorer | Yander | and others.
Connection - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few of the following connection types: Cable | Cable | Dialup | Dialup | Others.
Proxy type - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few of the following proxy types: Anonymizing VPN services | Anonymizing VPN services | Hosting Provider, Data Center or CDN | Hosting Provider, Data Center or CD | Public Proxies | Public Proxies.
Device - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few of the following devices: Tablet | Desktop | Mobile | Console | TV | Wearable.
Platform - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few of the following platforms: Linux | iOS | Windows | Mac | Android | and others.
Domain - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few domains.

Spot - is a drop-down filter, where you can choose one or a few traffic spots.

After filtering all of the options, you can save the filters as preset.


All statistics on Traforama are in real-time.

All statistics on Traforama are shown in the UTC time zone.


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