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In-video | Ad formats

In-video ad format on Traforama

Updated over a week ago

About the format

In-video ad is video advertisements that play within a video player, appearing before (pre-roll video) a piece of media content. In-video ads typically last up to 10 seconds.


Traforama supports the following types

Upload media creative. You may upload the media file with video and set up a click URL. Traforama supports .ogg, .webm, .mp4 media files. The file must be up to 10 Mb.

Add a link to the media file. You may set up a click URL and URL to the media file that will be hosted on your side.

VAST (Video Ad Serving Template). VAST is a Video Ad Serving Template for structuring ad tags that serve ads to video players. Using an XML schema, VAST transfers important metadata about an ad from the ad server to a video player.


The most attractive format for visitors. You can interest visitors, and attract them to your landing page by describing your service or product.

There are 2 types of video ad formats: In-video Preroll and Slider Video.


What about prices?

Traforama set limits in the form of minimum CPM. You can find it here

Average CPM is varied for different domains, countries, devices, browsers, user agents, etc. You can find eCPM per geo here


Available traffic volumes.

You can find the approximate traffic volumes per


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