IP targeting and IP-based advertising

In this article, we'll look closer to the IP-address targeting advertising. We'll review what is IP-targeting campaign and how does it work.

Updated over a week ago

IP Targeting definition

IP stands for Internet Protocol, and generally, it's just a unique set of digits that are assigned to the particular device connected to the Internet Network.

There are two types of IPs: IPv4 and IPv6. Traforama supports both IP formats.

Here's a standard example of an IPv4 address:

And here is an example of IPv6 format: F01:DB0:0:322A:0:0:0:22


What is IP address targeting and how is it used

In the modern world, there are hundreds of thousands of ways to target your audience. In some cases, you may require narrow geo-targeting related to some specific city; in others, you may want to reach more full slices of the audience using only Country-level settings. However, if your marketing campaign is working only for some particular ZIPs, companies, or Internet Providers, IP targeting advertising will be just a perfect option for yours.

So, let's clarify, IP-Targeting Ads (IP-filtering) are the type of targeting that enables you to set a specific list of IP addresses, ranges, subnet masks, or ISP keywords ( Internet Service Providers).

In other words, your ads will be showing only for people who are using the internet from the IP addresses you'll enumerate.


How does it work, and what are the IP-targeting tools?

You don't need any special software or tool to "do" IP targeting. Despite its supposed complexity, there are not a lot of problems with this setting if you decided to configure everything by yourself.


Setting up a targeting by IP addresses/ranges/subnets/ISPs in the Traforama interface.

Let's walk you through the whole process of setting up this type of advertising using Traforama.

Here's the list of supported formats:

  1. Exact IP-address.

  2. Human-readable IP-ranges.

  3. IP-subnet masks.

  4. ISP keywords.

So, we see that Traforama supports all common types of IP-based advertising, and we'll look at them closer individually.

1. Specific IP-address

To enable this option, just prepare the inventory of IP addresses and paste them into the "IP Range" field. Please note that it can only be one record per line, as shown in the picture.

2. IP ranges

It is another interpretation of IP addresses that allows you to list them in "bulk mode". So, in this case, instead of manually listing all addresses from to, you'd be glad to mark up an IP range using a hyphen. And just like before: only one range for one line. See the picture.

3. Subnet Mask is a segment of a larger network. It is needed to divide the usual IP address into a network address and the address of a host.

In case you are eager to use the Subnet Mask feature, feel free to use the same "IP Range" field listing one Subnet Mask per line. Look at the example below.

We have also a new feature with the help of which you can create white or block lists and attach them to the campaign you want.


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