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Conversions Tracking

These tools will help you to monitor and manage conversions, choose the best creatives and traffic for it.

Updated over a week ago

We offer two conversion tracking options:



Using pixel, the visitor's browser will send automatically the information of the conversion without any additional participation.

<img src="" width="1" height="1">

“c=“ could be from 1 to 10 (place pixel on your landing and conversion pages with different “c=“. Insert this code at the top of the body section of your conversion page.


Postback URL

Postback URL is a multipurpose way to track conversion. It can be used both with client-side and server-side logic. It may track conversions even in case if the client has cleaned a cookie or changed the browser.

Add click_id: %ID% in your ad link. Insert this code at the top of the body section of your conversion page.

Your post-back URL will be like this:{click_tracker}?suid=XXXXX&c=1&cpa={coversion_cost}

Call this URL once you get the conversion. Use c= from 1 to 10 for different kind of conversion (e.g. c=1 - visit to landing page, c=2 - click on ‘buy’ button, c=3 - payment done.

Moreover, you may pass the price of each conversion using the parameter cpa={}.


How to find my suid?

Go to section "Conversion tracker"

Use postback URL or Pixel from this section


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